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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Let's REALLY dream a bit--

Okay, so my last posts mentioned spring and the weather and how it makes me joyful.

Why don't I just move? Really...Why NOT?

I need to move somewhere where it is always cooler in the mornings and evenings and beautiful in the day. Breezy and near a beach would be ideal. Not too close to activity, but not too far that I couldn't hop on a bike (if I rode a bike) or convertible (really dreaming) to grab a starbucks. I want a place where it is cool enough to do physical activity without feeling like you are going to collapse. I would love to WANT to be outside and active.

So, while I describe that, it sounds like San Diego might fit the bill. And if that is the case...let's really go crazy and dream a bit.

You all know that I am a nut about my macbook and my blackberry (which hopefully will be replaced with an iphone someday...oh someday). I love that you can just throw random stuff out into the world and wonder where it goes. I facebook, twitter, txt, and try to blog, (but usually can't sit still long enough to really make the blogging worth it.) I cannot live without my ipod within arm's reach.

So, if I were to have a dream job it would be this...Being the "twitter/facebook/blog" post-er for a celebrity that I love. Okay...I guess I got to get honest, not just any celebrity...Jason Mraz. He seriously has this girl that is called the "joyologist." She posts info and funny comments/stories on twitter. She keeps the cyber world out there connected with what's up with "J." That would be AWESOME. Not only because I would love to see what he is really like, and be his friend, (mom g--he's SO invited to the BBQ), but I could constantly be typing on my phone or computer and it would be my JOB and it wouldn't be anything except random thoughts. I love that. I love random. I would be at his house...or on tour...or at the cafe...or at the beach. Chillin', Livin', ...whatever.

So, back to reality, I love my life. I love my kids and husband. I love my job, house, church, and community. But if I were to go all sci-fi and spend time in another dimension---I would be Jason's Joyologist.

Seriously...did I really admit that to you...whoever you are...out there....?