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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Always something good...

In everything, even the worst things, something GOOD always follows. Maybe not immediately, and maybe completely unrelated. But wait long enough and there is always something GOOD.

Sitting in the car, listening to GOOD music while the kids sleep is GOOD. Driving my husband around to hardware stores so he can fix the swing he bought us for our anniversary nearly five years ago. GOOD. Honest and vunerable stories shared at GOOD Friday service last night. Memories of travel and experiences we've enjoyed and endured. GOOD. Time to catch up, celebrate, and spend time with friends and family....GOOD. Wedding showers, birthdays, EASTER--GOOD!

When better to reflect on this than the day after we remember what must have seemed like the worst possible day to Jesus and His followers. The day He died on the cross for each and every one of us. But it is followed up with something GOOD...GREAT actually. Never ending faithfulness and hope that God is and always will be GOOD, we are His, and He wants us to know all that is GOOD.

When I start to pity myself, get resentful or regret something I did or didn't do, I look toward the GREATEST gift of love--that is Jesus. It is through His eyes that I see things as they should be...and it is GOOD.

Happy Easter and may you experience the love of Christ in a new way this spring.

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