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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Great day in the USA

Wow! what a great day! And this is hard since I just got back from England and Scotland a week ago...and ever since then, my husband keeps saying, "Let's go back..." It's nice to know that "home" can have this kind of joy.

We started the day at the SPC Resurrection Faire. With both kids in tow (and both parents) we were able to go one on one and split up so both girls got to do as much (or as little) as they wanted. It was a really fun time! (And great weather...thanks GOD!)

We got home (after a brief meltdown in the Sams Club parking lot--and a "hot dog combo" later--) and decided to give "Daddy" an hour or so to chill before his band's big Hersey HS Band Festival this afternoon and evening. We walked to "our park"--next to Belle's kindergarten and played...we were the only ones there. Then, walked to the library.

When we got to the library, there was an entire Wizard of Oz festival happening! I remember reading about it, but didn't really make note of the date. At first, I was thinking, "let's get some books and get out of here." But, I decided to surrender and ended having an awesome time decorating wands and rainbows, dog biscuit shaped cookies, and singing along with our dressed up, singing librarians. It's cool our library does these things to encourage people to come. What is even cooler is that my kids love going there even when the "special" stuff isn't going on.

Then, we walked to the grocery to pick up some food...(mostly cream for my coffee) and I got some delicious Guacamole. Doesn't get much better than that!

So, after all that, the kids are in bed, I am listening to a couple of my favorite new CDs (Plain White T's Big Bad World and Metro Station's Title CD) and blogging/facebooking/eating spaghetti. Pretty great day overall!

Live is good and God is Great!