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Friday, August 7, 2009

If I could change the world...

I love things that rock my world!

No, really...I love it when my entire core is shaken, my priorities are tested, and my world is reordered into action.

This happened most recently at the Willow Creek Leadership Summit. Now, for those of you that either don't know Willow Creek or know its reputation as a mega-church from a distance allow me to clarify something...this wasn't some churchy "Kumbaya" thing. This wasn't a sit around and judge others kind of thing. This summit had "Christians" and "Non-Christians" presenting. It had top leaders and analysts present. We heard a former Prime Minister (Tony Blair), a Rock Legend (Bono), a political analyst and former white house advisor (David Gergen)...all household names pretty much across the world. There were pastors from multiple backgrounds, denominations, and locations. There were those expressing the need for life-saving Aid as well as Trade that empowers people to help themselves and their communities. Young entreprenuers shared their approach to leading into this new tomorrow.

There were people hurt by "Christians" who, in spite of that, rose to their calling and not only forgave, but became a change in the world.

There was inspiration, innovation, and intentionality like I haven't seen. And Christian, non-Christian, spiritual, religious or otherwise...only good can come from that!

My world was rocked. But I am constantly reminded by the little voice in my head, the skeptics in the world, and the cliches all over posters that "someone" can't do everything...BUT EVERYONE CAN DO SOMETHING.

So... here are my small steps to make my impact on my world and the world.

The Planet: 1. Reduce energy in simple ways. 2. Ruthlessly recycle and consider my decisions in regards to waste.

Poverty, Aids, and other Global Issues: 1. Increase my awareness by readings and discussions. 2. Give what I can financially by sacrificing purchases or making smarter ones.

My community: 1. Stop "running" and be present. 2. Encourage "communal" living. (Open door policy).

My children: 1. Continue to provide for them in all ways and in doing so remember a child whose need is not being met. 2. Give gratitude for my circumstances and pray for those in need like never before.

My husband: 1. Remind him of the incredible man and leader he is. 2. Think of him as more important than myself.

My household: 1. Care for my home as the blessing it is. 2. Eliminate clutter and simplify in turn allowing it to run smoother.

My home church: 1. Continue to support it with my time, treasures and talents. 2. Open my home and life up to others who are longing for a church community.

My body: 1. Be aware and concerned that what I am consuming is nutritionally well. 2. Be a part of a holistic approach to fitness. (yoga, pilates...)

My mind: 1. Read 30 minutes a day. 2. Communicate what I've learned.

My relationship with God: 1. Read the word daily, slowly and quietly soaking it in. 2. Practice adoration.

All of the above: Live out the Gospel.

Long list? Maybe.
Easy steps? We'll see.
Failure? Definitely.
Grace? Thankfully.
Change? Amazingly.