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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our weekend...

A great weekend! Sunday (before Bernie painted Belle's room) we went to a picnic at Lake Opeka. I just love this picture my friend Amber sent me (she thinks Belle is hiding from the papparazzi) I got to spend time with Becky and Abby at the park which was so fun and can't wait for the next chance to just hang and be friends--(instead of getting stuff done)!

And yesterday the memorial day parade was great.

The weather was cooler which means no one passed out from the heat. The band sounded great (especially since they practiced it twice) and our girls were pretty good. We played at the park and I got to spend some time in conversation with Belle's friend's (and Bernie's student's) parents.

Yes. Our worlds are starting to collide now. Some of Belle's friends in school have older siblings in (or on their way to) MWHS Band. I actually love it... a lot! It's another way for me to stay connected. I also saw how happy Bernie gets when the girls and I are there at events. We haven't been as present because of having two and Lana being so young. But she's growing up fast and I think we are going to try to be around a lot next year. I love the HS kids, I see how Bernie loves them, and they are super cool to me and the girls. Who wouldn't want to be around the youth and future of our nation and be encouraged?

B's seniors...he even talked yesterday afternoon about how much he's going to miss these kids!

We went to get comics, which allowed both of the girls to fall sound asleep in the car and for B and I to listen to music and talk. One of our favorite times together.

After coming home, and letting the kids watch an hour of Dora while we "rested our eyes" (snoring was involved, unfortunately) we got up to finish Belle's room. Bernie finished painting on Sunday and we needed to get the shelves and trinkets put back up (before Lana was the bull in the closet which was the literal china shop)

The girls went to bed shortly after that, and after dinner together (and Bernie for the first time reading this blog), he felt inspired to get out the guitar and play and sing on the porch for me. (It may have been the wine more than the blog, but he said this thing wasn't as useless as he thought and that more people should read it.)

So one hour and a half of singing and playing (thanks Justin for letting him borrow the steel string...sounded great), we headed to bed to call it a night.

Overall great weekend and can't wait to get the day off to a great start. My plans? After this...turn off the computer and phone and get caught up on the chores. My hubby deserves to come home to a clean castle...he'll be more tempted to serenade me again when there's nothing to be done.

Enjoy the last week of May...Summers-a-comin!